Tactical Improvisation

Emotional outbursts have far greater repercussions than tactical improvisation.  Being tactical requires the tempering of the mind to withstand pressure and the tolerance of a saint.  Emotional people are real; they speak their mind, and once said, move on.  Having said that, it depends on the listener’s maturity to take it in the right sense or reciprocate in similar manner.  A tactical person will have the patience to know the time, and the delivery model, if you will, to put across his viewpoints without raising others concerns or sentiments.  Avoid the class of people who are overtly egotistic and highly temperamental and cannot be reasoned with as their pride blinds their assessment of their own capabilities, and their conduct will deteriorate with their morals over time.  Always serve others with all your talents and capabilities but avoid the class of people who would consider your service as common and invaluable and consider your services to them as a right, rather than a sincere free will offering. Service is more important than glory, all glory belongs to God.  Strive to work for and work with good and godly people and befriend the right class of people in life, and their companionship will be a long and rewarding experience.

Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:  Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.

Proverbs 22:24-25